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Kun en nyt mitään kovin järkevää keksi, laitan tähän erään tekstin, jonka äimistyksen vallassa luin tänään. Teksti paljastaa (?) Portugalissa kadonneen Madeleine McCannin vanhempien herkän bisnesvaiston. Liekö totta vai tarua...

"The date that this Company is registered is the 15.5.07 just 12 days after Madeleine disappeared. The 15th is the date the company was actually registered NOT the date the papers were requested or sent to Companies House. Obviously it must take a couple of days to determine the type of company you want to set up and get the papers drawn up not forgetting they tried to get the Fund registered as a charity first so maybe a day or two to realise this was not in their interest. If you take into account that the news of Madeleine missing was first heard in UK on the morning of the 4th (Friday) and by then she had only been missing 10/12 hours this is the earliest people could have started sending money. Now if they sent it via cheques, postal orders or even cash it would have taken at least until the monday or tuesday 7/8th to reach either Rothley or McCanns PDL by post remembering there was no other way just then to donate. Monday the 7th was a Bank holiday in the UK.

Yet the McCanns lawyers arrived on Monday the 7th of May to help set up the fund. Any monies that had been pledged at that time were for Rewards and not for the McCanns. They also trademarked Madeleine's eye and the name of the fund on the 18th May. So within two weeks of her disappearance they had a limited company and a trademark set up. In this timeline they had lost their little girl, had a mothers day (dry crying) and also Madeleines birthday. All to my mind huge emotional events to be trying to cope with but they were busy working with Lawyers to set up a fund to generate money and sleeping peacefully at night."

Ja jotta olisitte vielä vähän enemmän järkyttyneitä, niin kerron nyt senkin, että täältä Espanjasta katosi jäljettömiin vähän aikaa sitten myös 15-vuotias irlantilaistyttö Amy ja pian sen jälkeen 5-vuotias Mari Luz. Kanarian saarilla oli juuri tapaus, jossa eräs lapsi yritettiin kaapata valkoiseen pakettiautoon – onneksi huonolla menestyksellä.

Pitäkäähän lapsianne tarkasti silmällä – muuallakin kuin Espanjassa.